
TikTokers Are Permanently Damaging Their Nervous Systems With Vitamin B6

If you take a vitamin supplement, you might want to see this.

A lot of people believe there’s no such thing as a bad vitamin. While this is technically true, you can also have too much of a good thing — and give yourself nerve damage in the process.

For context, Vitamin B6 is pretty trendy on the internet right now. People who take it report improved mood, better brain function and other benefits, and people who are pregnant also say it helps with nausea.

That’s all well and good. What’s less well and good is the fact that it can cause nerve damage.

So, you know how the back of your pill bottle says something like, “70 percent of your daily recommended Vitamin C”? Some people believe that there are benefits to taking *more* than 100 percent of your daily recommended dose of a vitamin. First, this generally isn’t true unless you’re deficient, and second, as these TikTok users learned, it can actually cause major problems.

Adults between the ages of 19 and 50 need about 1.3 milligrams of vitamin B6 per day. If you take more than that, you can risk developing what’s called peripheral neuropathy. This is where excess B6 accumulates in the blood and, through processes that we still don’t quite understand, cause damage to the nervous system. It results in numbness, tingling and, if you’re particularly unlucky, problems balancing or walking.

While stopping B6 can reduce symptoms, there’s a chance that this can cause permanent nerve damage.

In short, get your bloodwork done before regularly taking supplements — and stop taking megadoses!

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